Man3000 DHS Productivity Analysis
The Man3000 DHS productivity analysis is available to all our premium DHS clients. The current features provide visual representation of a combination of live data and analytical features for you to use to drive productivity in your call centre or department. With a live view of Last hour productivity, Incoming and outgoing productivity as well as an in-depth Call center Report with everything you would need to monitor your daily growth.
Last Hour Productivity
Last Hour Grid – This detailed grid view will show all stats for extensions on a live basis and is updated every 60 seconds.
You will find the following being tracked:
- Incoming calls
- Outgoing calls
- Internal calls
- Unanswered calls
Incoming and Outgoing Productivity
Incoming and outgoing productivity – This is a grid view representation of productivity on extensions, each grid gives you the following real time call information:
- Last Hour
- Today
- Comparison to same day last week
- Total rolling count for the month
Call Centre Report
Call Centre Overview – This is a summarized overview on the department’s productivity, selected by date and time, on the following:
- Totals
- Averages
- Queues
- Call volume by hours
- Call type breakdown
- Calls by clients